Aurora Family Dentistry

Teeth Whitening in
Aurora Ontario

White Smile | Teeth Whitening Aurora

Achieve a Bright, Radiant Smile with Professional Teeth Whitening

Lots of people get professional teeth whitening in Aurora and, more generally, in the GTA each year, making it the most commonly performed cosmetic dentistry procedure in the GTA.

Everyone loves a bright, white smile. Unfortunately, our teeth can become stained and discoloured over time due to factors like aging, foods, drinks, smoking, and certain medications.

If your smile is losing its lustre, professional teeth whitening from Aurora Family Dentistry can dramatically transform the appearance of your teeth.

Restoring Your Smile with Safe and Effective Whitening Treatments. At our esteemed Aurora dental office, our highly skilled and experienced dentists prioritize your safety and satisfaction. That’s why we offer only the most effective and proven whitening treatments to remove stains and discoloration, helping you regain a brilliant, radiant smile.

Causes of Tooth Discoloration and Staining

Our teeth can become yellowed and stained for a variety of reasons:


Over time, brushing thins the tooth's white outer enamel layer, revealing a bit more of the yellowish dentin underneath.

Foods and Beverages:

Highly pigmented foods and drinks like berries, coffee, tea, red wine, and cola can cause staining over time.

Tobacco Use

Smoking and other tobacco products create stubborn stains and yellowing.


Certain antihistamines, antipsychotics and chemotherapy drugs can discolour teeth.


Excessive fluoride exposure in childhood can create chalky white spots on adult teeth.

While avoiding staining culprits and maintaining good oral hygiene helps, professional whitening treatments use high-concentration bleaching agents to lift deep, stubborn stains that can’t be removed with brushing alone.

Teeth Whitening Aurora

Professional In-Office Teeth Whitening

For patients who immediately want whiter teeth, use our in-office Zoom! Whitening is an ideal solution. This powerful treatment uses a specialized UV light to activate the hydrogen peroxide whitening gel, breaking down tough stains and brightening your smile dramatically in just one visit.

Benefits of In-Office Whitening:
  • Fast results in about 1 hour
  • Performed under controlled conditions by experienced dentists
  • Whitens teeth up to 8 shades brighter
  • Long-lasting, dramatic results
The Zoom Whitening Process:
  1. A gel barrier protects your lips and gums in the Zoom Whitening process.
  2. The whitening gel is applied to your teeth to start the process.
  3. The Zoom UV light activates the gel for 15 minutes.
  4. This cycle is repeated 2-3 times to achieve your desired level of whitening.

Aurora Teeth Whitening

Professional Take-Home Whitening Kits

We also offer customized take-home whitening kits for a more gradual whitening process completed on your own schedule. These affordable kits include custom-fitted whitening trays and professional-strength whitening gel.

Benefits of Take-Home Whitening:
  • Trays ensure an even coating of whitening gel on all surfaces
  • Whiten your teeth gradually over several weeks
  • More cost-effective solution for brightening your smile
  • It can be easily touched up to maintain your new white shade
Using Your Whitening Trays:
  • Brush and floss before whitening to ensure good surface contact
  • Add a thin line of whitening gel along the teeth indentations
  • Wear the trays for 30-60 minutes daily or overnight while sleeping
  • Most see full results after 10-14 days of regular use

Are You a Candidate for Teeth Whitening?

Most people are excellent candidates for professional teeth whitening. However, there are some cases where whitening may not be recommended or have limitations, such as:

- Exposed root surfaces or thin enamel that could increase sensitivity
- Internal/intrinsic tooth stains that can't be removed with bleaching
- Existing crowns, veneers or fillings that won't whiten

During your consultation, we'll examine your teeth and oral health to determine whether whitening is right for you and recommend the most suitable treatment.

Aurora Teeth Whitening | Man smiling

Two Types of Tooth Stains

Extrinsic Stains

Extrinsic stains, also known as external or surface stains, affect only the outer layer of the tooth enamel. These are the most common types of stains and what most over-the-counter and professional whitening treatments are designed to address.
Extrinsic stains are caused by foods, drinks, smoking, inadequate brushing/flossing, and normal aging. Some specific examples include:

- Deeply colored beverages like coffee, tea, red wine
- Darkly pigmented foods like berries, curry, beets
- Tobacco products
- Tars and colored agents in some medications
- Natural enamel thinning over time, exposing more of the yellowish dentin layer

Because extrinsic stains are on the surface, they respond very well to professional teeth whitening treatments that use concentrated bleaching agents to lift those stains away.

Intrinsic Stains

Unlike extrinsic stains, intrinsic stains originate from within the tooth structure itself. These internal tooth discolorations can be caused by:

- Excessive fluoride exposure during tooth development
- Trauma or injury that damages a tooth's inner pulp
- Certain antibiotics like tetracycline taken during childhood
- Inherited genetic tooth discoloration disorders

Since the staining is inside the tooth, intrinsic stains are more resistant to standard surface whitening and bleaching treatments.

In these cases, alternative cosmetic treatments like dental bonding or veneers may be recommended to mask the internal discoloration, since these stains do not respond very well to professional teeth whitening treatments even the treatments that use concentrated bleaching agents to remove the stains.

Aurora Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening Vs. Veneers/Bonding

For some patients with severe tooth discoloration or other cosmetic concerns, whitening alone may not be enough to achieve their ideal smile. In these instances, we may potentially recommend porcelain veneers or dental bonding instead of or in addition to whitening:

  • Veneers are thin porcelain shells bonded to the front of the teeth. They can correct discoloration as well as shape, size and alignment issues.
  • Bonding uses tooth-coloured composite resin to cover the outer enamel. It can close gaps and fix other minor cosmetic flaws.

Our dentists will discuss all options to help you determine the best cosmetic approach for your individual goals and budget.

Teeth Whitening Cost in Ontario

Teeth Whitening Cost

The cost of professional teeth whitening varies. It depends on the specific treatment provided. In Ontario, you can get costs that are in the following range:

  • In-Office Zoom Whitening: $500-$650
  • Take-Home Whitening Kits: $200-$250

During your consultation, we’ll provide a comprehensive cost estimate and discuss flexible financing options. Our aim is to make professional whitening affordable for all, ensuring you can achieve your dream smile without breaking the bank.

Teeth Whitening in Aurora

Whitening Results Longevity & Maintenance

How long your dramatically whiter smile lasts depends on your personal habits and touchup routine. With proper care, the results of professional teeth whitening can last quite a while before touchups are needed:

  • In-Office Whitening: 1-3 years
  • Take-Home Whitening: 6 months – 2 years

The longevity depends on your specific habits. Results will fade more quickly for those who smoke, drink staining beverages like coffee or wine, or don’t practice good oral hygiene.

To extend your brighter smile, we recommend:

  • Avoiding foods and drinks that stain (berries, red wine, coffee, etc.)
  • Not smoking
  • Practice good brushing and flossing
  • Use a whitening toothpaste or rinse
  • Get periodic professional whitening touchups

We recommend getting the most out of your brighter smile through good oral hygiene and periodic whitening touchups at home or in our office.

How to Whiten Teeth | Man smiling

Aftercare for Maintaining Your White Smile

To get the most out of your investment in professional whitening, follow these tips:

- Avoid staining foods/drinks for 24-48 hours after treatment
- Use anti-sensitivity toothpaste if needed
- Whiten before having other dental work done for the best colour-matching
- Touchup with take-home trays every six months
- Get a professional touchup treatment annually

Our dental team will provide you with specific aftercare instructions based on whether you received in-office or take-home whitening. Be sure to stick to the guidelines for maintaining your bright new smile.

Teeth Whitening in Aurora

Book Your Teeth Whitening Consultation Today

If you’re ready for a dazzling, radiant smile, our professional teeth whitening treatments at Aurora Family Dentistry can help you achieve your desired level of whiteness quickly and safely. The first step is scheduling a consultation so we can develop a personalized whitening plan tailored to your needs.

Call our Aurora dental office today to book your appointment. Our professional dental team looks forward to helping you achieve the bright, confident smile you’ve always wanted.

Teeth Whitening | Aurora Dental Clinic | Aurora Family Dentistry